
Biofeedback therapy is a powerful technique for enhancing muscle activation, re-patterning movement, and preventing injuries. At Westside Wellness and Rehabilitation in Santa Monica, our biofeedback sessions are designed to help individuals improve muscle control, optimize movement patterns, and support injury prevention through real-time feedback on muscle activity and body mechanics.
biofeedback therapy in santa monica
Biofeedback therapy uses specialized devices or sensors to monitor and provide real-time feedback on physiological processes, especially muscle activity measured by electromyography (EMG). This feedback empowers individuals to become more aware of their muscle function, make adjustments, and achieve better performance and movement control, ultimately reducing injury risk.
Start Your Biofeedback Therapy in Santa Monica
Ready to improve muscle control, refine movement patterns, and prevent injuries? Contact Westside Wellness and Rehabilitation in Santa Monica to schedule a biofeedback therapy session with our expert team. Call us today at +1 (310) 393-1703 and take the next step toward a healthier, more balanced you!
Key Components of Biofeedback Therapy
Muscle Activation
Biofeedback shows which muscles are active during specific movements, helping clients understand if they’re engaging the correct muscles to support optimal form and function.

Movement Re-patterning
Biofeedback retrains muscles to work in the correct sequence, improving motor control and coordination. This re-patterning corrects dysfunctional movement habits that can lead to pain or injury.

Injury Prevention
By identifying improper movement patterns and muscle imbalances, biofeedback enables targeted exercises to address these issues before they lead to injury, offering an essential tool for athletes and active individuals.
Benefits of Biofeedback Therapy
Increased Awareness
Biofeedback provides visual or auditory feedback on muscle activity, making it easier to recognize and adjust inefficient movement patterns or underactive muscles.

Enhanced Muscle Function
Consistent use of biofeedback therapy helps activate weak muscles and relax overactive ones, promoting balance and reducing the risk of strain.

Improved Performance
Optimizing muscle activation patterns allows athletes to enhance their performance, reduce fatigue, and lower the risk of injuries.

Rehabilitation Support
Biofeedback therapy is a valuable tool in post-surgery or post-injury rehabilitation, helping patients regain proper muscle function, coordination, and movement efficiency.


You can contact us directly by phone and email. We look forward to hearing from you!
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